Thanks for stopping here!
I have aleways been fascinated by the medium of film.
Moving images can keep memories alive even more than photos.
Even as a child I used dad´s Super 8 equipment.
I captured many areas of my life, from friends, home or clubs in the film and still I do that today.
Over the years, a lot has come together, something can be seen here.
Video-Clips about the school days in the "Pestalozzischule Idstein", from Idstein, my hometown, Griesheim (near Darmstadt), where I live and Darmstadt, where I work.
Music clips from the "Akkordeonfreunde Weiterstadt" with its accordion-orchestra, travel impressions, water management topics from my professional life and much more.
This pages contain many memories, but they are also intended to entertain. And inform.
Under the heading of "Hochwasserschutz und Gewässer" you find informations to
water-bodies and flood protection.
In addition, there are thematically approximate TV recordings, links and many pictures.
I have also compiled facts about climate
Photo galleries can also be found, for example many historical pictures from Idstein, about Carnival- shows in Idstein or accordion-concerts in Weiterstadt or from concerts of the Griesheimer Cultband "Just for Fun".
New perspectives opens the 360-degree-camera (gopro-fusion) or the DJI Marvic Mini.
The many topics are not dealt with scientifically, but are put together in a colorful manner. In addition to general information, the pages are primarily intended to entertain and there are details that you cannot find in other publications.
I hope you enjoy browsing and looking.
Also take a look at my youtube-channel.
Ulrich Hartmann
PS: I am also very happy about an entry in the guest book!